As We Become Silent

The energies have shifted around me.  I can tell something is different.  The days have become shorter.... the darkness is coming.  I remembered that my heartbeat quickened in the spring with many ideas and my sigh in the summer was full of dreams coming true.   As i see the first fallen leaves as I sit on the porch watching almost in slow eyes moving upward as the next leaf gives way to it's next journey.   It slowly falls to the ground.  Such a peaceful quiet moment watching the process of letting go.  Now, I know, it is time to walk into the woods with my prayer.

For a long while I watched the leaf as it rested on our mother earth.  Having witnessed its complete journey from the spring at its birth and watching it literally grow before my eyes into fullness..  Watching it celebrate as every sunrise shined upon its leaf each morning. And as the sunset brushing a different color at the end of the day at the tip of its life.  I watched with my eyes with a gentle gaze as the moons brightness would glow at night upon its glory.  The stars twinkling above.  Having watched many rain storms and the leaves dripping with the beautiful life giving water.  Early storms and the winds that cleanse us watching the premature life of a leaf rolling along the grasses.  I remember the lightening and the thunder vibrating each leaf perhaps in my imagination making each leaf a more beautiful brilliant green than ever before."

With tobacco in my left hand closest to my heart...I walk into the woods as the days grow dark and the question that lingers in my heart.  Having no conditions on time, I walk into the woods and a spot says, "sit here".  I encircle myself with my prayer and I sit patiently.  I feel my body excite like the beginning of spring.  Recalling all of the new ideas and prayers being answered.  I can feel the tingling on my skin.  In time, my body quietens... i can feel the vibration moving to my inner core as I become silent like the full growth of the leaf that showed me.  I listened as the beautiful medicines of the forest continues to encourage quiet within.  The bird nations near and far sing their medicine song.  Hearing the creepers and the crawlers... my eyes gazing out.  I begin to feel the four leggeds eyes upon me.  The hair on my back begins to listen.

Vicky Frue